czwartek, 31 maja 2012

Mugo Pine #1

I bought that tree in nursery, and planted it into the ground. Unfortunately something gone wrong with substrate humidity (probably to wet) and to severe pruning. It was the reason that plant started to suffer  and roots rotten.

Poor rootball
 After trimming dead roots, I saved two of them.
Saved roots
This is a good lesson for me. I hope I can rescue the pine :-)
Temporary / rescue pot

Elm #1

This Elm was "collected from a wild" :-) by me in April 2001. The true is that this tree was saved from dead. Seedling start to grow in small pocket of other tree, fallen over lake (unfortunately have no pictures).

May 2001
Next set of pictures:
November 2001

April 2002

May 2003

Nebari in 2003
Now after 11 years elm looks like this:
May 2012
Next season I'll start to form it and move to final pot.